Ashton, Northamptonshire, PE8 5LD
Date of visit: 19th June 2020
Internal ref number: NN/142/006
Date of Visit: 19th Jun 2020
Kiosk Type: K6
Door Type: A
Crown: Tudor
Kiosk Colour: Red
Usage: Book Defrib
Phone Number (if known): EX 01832 273236
Northing & Westing: 52ยฐ28’56.9″N, 0ยฐ26’48.7″W
what3words: festivity.mysteries.incursion
Grid Reference: TL 05572 88305
OS X & Y: 288305, 505572
Latitude & Longitude: 52.482468, -0.446843
UK Postcode: PE8 5LD
County: Northants.
Listed Status: Historic Eng. Ref. 1393929 15/07/2010