Rattlesden, Suffolk, IP30 0RD
Date of visit: 4th March 2023
This box was located further out of the village and has been moved to this location, see below:
Internal ref number: SK/155/231
Date of Visit: 4th Mar 2023
Kiosk Type: K6
Door Type: C
Crown: Tudor
Kiosk Colour: Red
Usage: Info
Phone Number (if known): EX 01449 736212
Northing & Westing: 52ยฐ11’35.8″N, 0ยฐ53’33.2″E
what3words: ruffling.rescue.letter
Grid Reference: TL 97803 58948
OS X & Y: 258948, 597803
Latitude & Longitude: 52.193281, 0.892577
UK Postcode: IP30 0RJ
County: Suffolk
Listed Status: