Great Yeldham, Essex, CO9 4ER
Date of visit: 29th April 2023
Email about the box :
I thought you might be interested to know that the telephone box is used to display a wide variety of topics.
We have been doing this since a Halloween display in 2021 and have shown Remembrance Day, Christmas, the various Royal occasions, Archeology items found before Rose Builders commenced builds at Nuns Way. This names but a few and the box is left empty between each display.
Internal ref number: EX/155/113
Date of Visit: 29th Apr 2023
Kiosk Type: K6
Door Type: B
Crown: St Edward
Kiosk Colour: Red
Usage: Empty
Phone Number (if known):
Northing & Westing: 52ยฐ00’53.9″N, 0ยฐ33’51.2″E
what3words: nurse.breathed.impeached
Grid Reference: TL 76063 38275
OS X & Y: 238275, 576063
Latitude & Longitude: 52.014971, 0.564209
UK Postcode: CO9 4ER
County: Essex
Listed Status: