Framsden, Suffolk, IP14 6HG

Framsden, Suffolk, IP14 6HG

Date of visit: 4th May 2023

Internal ref number: SK/156/107

Date of Visit: 4th May 2023

Kiosk Type: K6
Door Type: D
Crown: Tudor
Kiosk Colour: Red
Usage: Defrib
Phone Number (if known):

Northing & Westing: 52°11’30.6″N, 1°12’53.2″E
what3words: talker.funky.poodle
Grid Reference: TM 19827 59715
OS X & Y: 259715, 619827
Latitude & Longitude: 52.191826, 1.214779
UK Postcode: IP14 6HG
County: Suffolk

Listed Status: