Loch Goil, Argyll and Bute, PA24 8AE
Date of visit: 18th June 2023
Local information about the box adoption
Internal ref number: AR/056/089
Date of Visit: 18th June 2023
Kiosk Type: K6
Door Type: B
Crown: Tudor
Kiosk Colour: Red
Usage: Empty
Phone Number (if known): EX 01301 703230
Northing & Westing: 56ยฐ09’17.3″N, 4ยฐ54’36.6″W
what3words: task.explored.growl
Grid Reference: NS 19349 99605
OS X & Y: 699605, 219349
Latitude & Longitude: 56.154795, -4.910158
UK Postcode: PA24 8AE
County: Argyll and Bute
Listed Status: