Private Boxes

Private boxes are by their nature a difficult type of box to record in any great detail, to me there are two types of private boxes;

Private Box Residential
The first is a box owned by a private individual and located at their home. These are not the focus of this journey, but I will never say no to looking at one if I find it on my travels. With these if I have obtained images they are displayed but the location details are hidden to the public. Almost all owners have been happy with my images and details shown but in order to stay polite and respectful to the wishes of a very small number of owners who have objected to my visit I have elected to hide the location details.

Private Box Non Residential (Heritage Railway’s / Caravan parks/ Zoo’s / Museum’s etc)
These are still included in the journey and make up a fascinating subset of boxes with many diverse usages. I will display location details and maps for these (indeed its advertising in a funny sort of way for the owners).