The doors of the Boxes

There are fours door hanging points on boxes noted as type A B C or D

A = door fitted opposite back panel and hinged left

B = door fitted opposite back panel and hinged right

C = door fitted on the left side panel and hinged left

D = door fitted on the right side panel and hinged right

Note it is possible to hang a C or D door backwards so that it opened more conveniently for the location. The following example shoes where the door (type c) is reversed so its is easier to enter than squeezing past the hedge.

There are some double door versions on the Western isles of Scotland and these are unique and protect against strong winds. These are known as “Hebridean doors”

Almost all door are wooden framed (bar the metal Hebridean doors) apart from a few odd and very rare, Alloy cast doors out in the wild.